Small-scale powder disperser TSI - SSPD 3433
TSI Model 3433 Small-Scale Powder Disperser is a compact and portable device for dry dispersion of solid particles
in gaseous environment. It employs a turntable with a Venturi tube for dispersion of small (milligrams) amounts of dry
powder. A Venturi tube creates sufficient shear forces to deagglomerate entering aerosol particles. The disperser
generates a high quality and time-stable particle dispersion of a defined size range and concentration.
- dispersion of solid particles of size ranging from 1 µm to 50 µm (aerodynamic diameter)
- Venturi tube flow rate is 16.5 litre/min
- output particle concentration from 0.3 to 40 mg/m3
- flow rate of carrier gas ranging from 12 to 21 litre/min
- accessories: device for cleaning, dehumidification and pressure control of the input air
Typical applications
- generation of aerosols for toxicology studies or for pharmaceutical industry
- generation of tracer particles for gas flow studies
- dispersion of calibrated particles (PSL) for validation measurements of particle sizers
- dispersion of powder particles for measurement of their size
- re-dispersion of particles deposited on membrane filters intended for air quality monitoring
- generation of solid particles for research into deposition in environmental engineering
Contact person
Jan Jedelsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +420 54114 3266 | e-mail: jedelsky@fmevutbr
Energy Institute, Department of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
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