Ke stažení: prispevky-SKMTT2012
Jaroslav Volavý, Miroslav Jícha Turbulence modulation in Large Eddy Simulation of backward-facing step flow laden with particles
This work describes Large Eddy Simulation of backward-facing step flow laden with particles. The concentration of the particles in the flow is high enough for consideration of two-way...
This work describes Large Eddy Simulation of backward-facing step flow laden with particles. The concentration of the particles in the flow is high enough for consideration of two-way...
Júlia Weismanová Dynamic thermal models in building simulations
Mathematical description of a linear system can be obtained in various ways. Theoretical models are desirable when basic physical laws of nature are known that describe the relationship between...
Mathematical description of a linear system can be obtained in various ways. Theoretical models are desirable when basic physical laws of nature are known that describe the relationship between...
Lucia Záležáková, Ján Rajzinger Odpar vody z exteriérovej vodnej plochy
Tepelné straty odparovaním z vodnej hladiny sú jedným z kľúčových tepelných strát pri výpočtoch tepelnej bilancie otvorených vodných plôch. Najväčší vplyv na tieto straty...
Tepelné straty odparovaním z vodnej hladiny sú jedným z kľúčových tepelných strát pri výpočtoch tepelnej bilancie otvorených vodných plôch. Najväčší vplyv na tieto straty...
Lucia Záležáková, Petra Žáková Využitie prebytočného tepla na ohrev vody v bazéne
Solárne sústavy na ohrev teplej vody v rodinnom dome sú podľa spôsobu návrhu kolektorovej plochy schopné pokryť jej potrebu ohrevu v letných mesiacoch na viac ako 100 %. S tým úzko...
Solárne sústavy na ohrev teplej vody v rodinnom dome sú podľa spôsobu návrhu kolektorovej plochy schopné pokryť jej potrebu ohrevu v letných mesiacoch na viac ako 100 %. S tým úzko...
Michaela Zárybnická, Jiří Pospíšil, Michal Špiláček: Comparison of sieve analysis and laser diffraction for size distribution of fine ash particles
This paper is discussing possible ways of how to determine the size distribution of fine solid particles, focusing on two methods in particular. The first is the sieve analysis which is one of the...
This paper is discussing possible ways of how to determine the size distribution of fine solid particles, focusing on two methods in particular. The first is the sieve analysis which is one of the...
Dmitry Zhukov, René Pyszko Steady mathematical model of ladle furnace heat work
This paper presents the mathematical model of ladle furnace heat work, which is based on the heat balance equation of the furnace. The model was created based on data from the operating...
This paper presents the mathematical model of ladle furnace heat work, which is based on the heat balance equation of the furnace. The model was created based on data from the operating...
Josef Štětina, Tomáš Mauder, Lubomír Klimeš, Miloš Masarik Increasing the surface temperature of straightening at the slab continuous casting
Surface temperatures of cast slabs at small radius segments in front of as well as at the un-bending point belong to parameters that affect the surface quality of continuously cast slabs. Older...
Surface temperatures of cast slabs at small radius segments in front of as well as at the un-bending point belong to parameters that affect the surface quality of continuously cast slabs. Older...
Vytvoření složky:
04.07.2012 07:50 Lubomír Klimeš
Poslední změna složky: 04.07.2012 07:50 Lubomír Klimeš
Počet zobrazení: 1163044
Poslední změna složky: 04.07.2012 07:50 Lubomír Klimeš
Počet zobrazení: 1163044