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This paper deals with numerical simulation of two-stage swirl turbine. It consists of two counterrotating runners, the first one has three blades, the second one two blades. Between these stages there are five indifferential stator vanes. Their aim is to stabilize wakes in front of blades of the second runner. Inlet flow field of the first stage is obtained from previous simulation, its direction is mainly axial. The outgoing flow from the first stage has high tangential velocity. The blades of the second stage should make the stream flow in axial direction. Model will be manufactured to measure turbine characteristics and check design parameters.

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Počet stažení: 1762
Poslední změna souboru: 2012-07-04 10:15:19, prof. Ing. Josef Štětina, Ph.D.
Vytvoření souboru: 2012-07-04 08:45:52, prof. Ing. Josef Štětina, Ph.D.