Dokument ke stažení
This contribution presents an experimental investigation of spray characteristics of a spill-return pressure-swirl atomizer for a small-sized turbojet engine by means of Particle Image Velocimetry. The nozzle was tested on a cold test bench at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. Measurements were carried out in an axial section of the spray cone with various single-camera and stereoscopic PIV configurations. Results of our measurements provide a quantitative visualisation of the spray flow fields in regimes based on the engine operating conditions. Comparison of velocity profiles obtained from the individual configurations is presented and discussed.
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Počet stažení:
Poslední změna souboru:
2012-07-04 09:47:39, prof. Ing. Josef Štětina, Ph.D.
Vytvoření souboru:
2012-07-04 08:40:52, prof. Ing. Josef Štětina, Ph.D.