Life long learning courses – Sustainable Energetics 2012
Overview courses held by the Energy Institute of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Brno University of Technology aim to provide and/or refresh knowledge associated with fundamental disciplines of energetics. The courses are also suitable as retraining courses to workers of non-energetics specialisation dealing with energetics. Each course is dedicated to a particular topic so when put together they make up a complete overview of fundamental knowledge allowing thus efficient orientation in the field of energetics. The courses are provided by the academic staff of the institute.
Life long learning courses – Sustainable Energetics 2012
Overview courses held by the Energy Institute of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Brno University of Technology aim to provide and/or refresh knowledge associated with fundamental disciplines of energetics. The courses are also suitable as retraining courses to workers of non-energetics specialisation dealing with energetics. Each course is dedicated to a particular topic so when put together they make up a complete overview of fundamental knowledge allowing thus efficient orientation in the field of energetics. The courses are provided by the academic staff of the institute.
Courses announced for 2012
Selected chapters of thermodynamics (doc. Josef Štětina, Ph.D.) - 4. 5. 2012
Ideal gas processes, laws of thermodynamics, steam properties, thermodynamic efficiency, enthalpy, assessment of thermodynamic cycles, heat transfer.-
Course presentation-Handouts
Course presentation-Handouts-room for notes
Table of equations
Sources of energy and transformation processes (doc. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D.) - 11. 5. 2012
Primary and secondary sources of energy, transformation processes available, fossil fuels, wind energy, solar energy, basic thermodynamic cycles, electroenergetics of the Czech Republic, alternative energy sources, trends and outlook. -
District heating (doc. Jan Fiedler, Dr.) - 18. 5. 2012
Combined heat and power generation principles, primary fuel savings, schematics of gas/steam turbine power plants. Trends in micro-co-generation and their possible implementation: combustion engines, combustion turbines, steam engines, fuel cells. -
Heat engines (doc. Jan Fiedler, Dr.) - 25. 5. 2012
Displacement and rotary heat engines, classification, basic common features, principles of operation, calculation of output and efficiency, and sizing of turbine. Heat engines design and operational experience. -
Boilers / Incineration plants (Ing. Marek Baláš, doc. Zdeněk Skála, CSc.) - 1. 6. 2012
Fuel types, combustion fundamentals, types of combustion devices / Waste sources and properties, equipment for thermal utilisation of waste, ecology. -
Refrigeration cycles, trigeneration, district cooling, heat pumps (doc. Jiří Pospíšil, Ph.D.) - 8. 6. 2012
Refrigeration cycles, compressor cooling units, absorption cooling units, heat pumps, trigeneration, district cooling. Device design, system operation and cooling production economy. -
Ekologie energetických centrál (doc. Zdeněk Skála, CSc.)- 15. 6. 2012
Emissions of combustion processes, air/atmosphere properties, technology of flue gases cleaning, dedusting, desulphurization, NOx reduction. -
Utilisation of biomass energy, gasification (Ing. Martin Lisý, Ph.D.) - 22. 6. 2012
Biomass properties, biomass potential, biomass treatment, central and/or local heating equipment, operational experience with contemporary equipment, ecology. Gasification fundamentals, types of gasification reactors, cogeneration and gasification.
Participants who pass the course will receive a certificate of attendance.
The courses are held at Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technická 2, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic, Building A1, Floor 15 (Energy Institute), room 1533. The courses take place from 9:00 to 15:00 with a lunch break between 11:00 and 12:00. The university cafeteria is available to the course attendants.
A one-day course price for an attendee is 1200 CZK + VAT. A course can be held as long as the number of registrants exceeds a required minimum.
If interested, it is necessary to fill in a registration form and email it to oei@fme
cz or fax it to +420 541 143 345 at least 20 days before the course commences.
Should a course be held, registrants will receive an email with the course and invoicing details 14 days before the course begins minimum.
Only those whose payment reaches Brno University of Technology account no later than a day before the course begins are entitled to attend the course.
Currently held courses
For further information email oei@fmevutbr
cz or dial 541 142
581 doc. Jiří Pospíšil, 541 142 574 doc. Jan Fiedler.