Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) by TSI Inc.
Particle Image Velocimetry is an advanced optical visualization and measuring method for research and diagnostics of
fluid flow under laboratory or field operating conditions. It makes use of a laser light sheet that illuminates the
investigated region where the fluid flow is visualized by introducing the particles into the fluid. A velocity vector
map is evaluated from the two subsequent images of highlighted particles taken by CCD camera. The department runs a
high performance, custom-made PIV system and a small size, portable standard system; both by TSI Incorporated.
- high energy pulse Nd:YAG laser, beam energy 250 mJ at 532 nm
- light sheet thickness between 0.5 and 5 mm
- stereoscopic camera arrangement with Scheimpflug lens, resolution 1280 × 1024 pixels
- observable area from 5 × 5 cm2 to 2 × 2 m2, resolution up to 5 μm/pixel with inspection area 4 × 3 mm if a microscope objective is applied
- two/three-component velocity within a plane (2D2C ÷ 2D3C), no need for velocity calibration
- image capture frequency up to 10 Hz
- recording of cyclic and phase-resolved phenomena
Typical applications
- research into fluid dynamics and turbulence, sprays and combustion processes, jet mixing, boundary layer flow
- studies of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics in free/unbounded environment and transparent models
- single-phase fluid flow, two-phase (liquid-gas, liquid-solid particles, sprays) flow
- method is suitable for unsteady flow exhibiting changes in flow direction
- experimental validation of computer models (CFD)

Provided outcomes
- 2C – 3C velocity vectors of flow in a plane, sequential scanning for complete 3D investigated domain measurement
- instantaneous and averaged flow patterns
- advanced flow pattern processing: average and rms velocity components in the plane, turbulence intensity, turbulence visualization, vorticity distribution, streamlines, lines of constant speed, particle trajectory, shear stress and other spatial characteristics
- possibility to evaluate a mass flow rate of the liquid when combined with Laser-Induced Fluorescence method
Related publications
- Durdina L., Jedelsky J., Jicha M., PIV Investigation of a Pressure-Swirl Atomizer Spray, Engineering Mechanics 20 (2013) 459-469 (ISSN 1802-1484)
- Durdina L., Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Investigation and comparison of spray characteristics of pressure-swirl atomizers for a small-sized aircraft turbine engine, International journal of heat and mass transfer 78 (2014) 892-900 (ISSN 0017-9310)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Spatially and temporally resolved distributions of liquid in an effervescent spray, Atomization and Sprays 22 (2012) 7, 603-626 (ISSN 1044-5110)
Contact person
Jan Jedelsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +420 54114 3266 | e-mail: jedelsky@fmevutbr
Energy Institute, Department of Thermodynamics and Environmetal Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
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