Nikon Eclipse E200 optical microscope
Nikon Eclipse E200 is a robust, high quality optical microscope suitable for analysis of particles and observation of sample micro-structure. Available accessories widen the microscope applicability. Atik 320E camera is capable of black-and-white image recording. Universal Epi-Illuminator LV-UEPI provides it with phase contrast and the ability to observe objects using dark field, bright field and polarized light methods.
- compact, portable microscope
- magnification from 40× to 1500×
- possibility to observe objects using direct and/or reflected light, phase contrast
- observation using dark/light field and polarized light methods
- camera recorded black-and-white images at the resolution of 1620 × 1220
- set of optical filters for image quality improvement
Typical applications
- particle analysis
- analysis of particles present on a sample
- evaluation of the number of particles along with their size spectrum – suitable for fibrous material in particular
- evaluation of particle size and shape – fibrous or otherwise irregularly shaped
- observation of sample micro-structure
Related publications
- Belka M., Lizal F., Jedelsky J., Starha P., Druckmullerova H., Hopke P. K., Jicha M., Application of image analysis method to detection and counting of glass fibers from filter samples, Aerosol Science and Technology 2016
Contact person
Jan Jedelsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +420 54114 3266 | e-mail: jedelsky@fmevutbrcz
Energy Institute, Department of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
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