Nikon Eclipse E200 optical microscope

opticky-mikroskop-perex.jpg Nikon Eclipse E200 is a robust, high quality optical microscope suitable for analysis of particles and observation of sample micro-structure. Available accessories widen the microscope applicability. Atik 320E camera is capable of black-and-white image recording. Universal Epi-Illuminator LV-UEPI provides it with phase contrast and the ability to observe objects using dark field, bright field and polarized light methods.


  • compact, portable microscope
  • magnification from 40× to 1500×
  • possibility to observe objects using direct and/or reflected light, phase contrast
  • observation using dark/light field and polarized light methods
  • camera recorded black-and-white images at the resolution of 1620 × 1220
  • set of optical filters for image quality improvement


Typical applications

  • particle analysis
    • analysis of particles present on a sample
    • evaluation of the number of particles along with their size spectrum – suitable for fibrous material in particular
    • evaluation of particle size and shape – fibrous or otherwise irregularly shaped
  • observation of sample micro-structure


Related publications

Contact person

Jan Jedelsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +420 54114 3266 | e-mail: jedelsky@fme_vutbr_cz

Energy Institute, Department of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic

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