Spray research laboratory
The workplace has 15 year hands-on experience in the field of atomizers. It runs a laboratory unique to the Czech
Republic that is equipped competitively with other top laboratories across Europe.The typical application lies in
research and diagnostics of atomizers for automotive industry, combustion chambers of turbo charged engines,
desulphurization plants, cooling in metallurgic processes, combustion of waste fuels, pharmaceutical industry, air
humidification etc.
The laboratory equipment enables nozzle cold testing in a wide range of operating pressures, flow rates, and fluid types with complex measurement of their properties: flow characteristics, internal flow, time/frequency and space resolved size characteristics, droplet speed and concentration in the spray, mass flow rate of the liquid, spray geometry.
Test room specification
- testing of pressure, two and three media pneumatic nozzles
- pressure of the liquid up to 3 MPa, flow rate up to 2000 litre/hour, temperature stabilisation between 15 and 50 °C
- operates with hydrocarbon fuels (oils, kerosene), water and suspensions
- pressure of the air up to 1.5 MPa
- computer controlled 3D positioning system
- device for suspension preparation and atomization
- measurement of pressure, temperature, operating fluid flow rate, PC data acquisition
- spray measurement employing up-to-date laser diagnostic methods: phase Doppler anemometry, Particle Image Velocimetry, optical patternation (Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence)
Activities carried out
- research, development and testing of various type atomizers, injectors and nebulizers
- design of pressure and twin-fluid effervescent nozzles based on in-house methodology, design of atomizers for high viscosity liquids, waste fuels and suspensions of solid particles
- measurement of spray properties employing advanced diagnostics methods as the input data for CFD simulations
- visualization of nozzle internal flow and research into two-phase flow
- solution to two-phase discharge flow (liquid-gas) using an in-house code
- spray stability assessment using in-house developed methods along with the published ones
Laboratory instruments
- Phase-Doppler anemometer by Dantec Dynamics
- Flow Explorer Mini LDA Laser Doppler anemometer by Dantec Dynamics
- Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) by TSI Inc.
- Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence (PLIF) by TSI Inc.
- Olympus i-Speed 2 high speed camera
- EKOL spol. s r.o. (Design concept of a steam aftercooler) (2014)
- MVB OPAVA CZ s.r.o.: Vizualization of water splashing in a scrubber (in the frame of project TH01030820 Complex reduction of gaseous pollutants emission from the small scale units) (2015)
- ESPOSA (Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft), the 7th Framework Programme (2015)
- ERC GmbH Germany (Twin-fluid effervescent nozzle, Combined three media atomizer for waste fuel combustion, Pressure-swirl nozzles of enhanced atomization characteristics for industrial burners, Effect of additives and nozzle wear on the Danfoss nozzle generated spray) (2003-2006)
- První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, a.s., (Fuel atomizers for small scale turbine engines) (2011)
- První brněnská strojírna Třebíč, a.s., (Industrial burners with atomization system of effervescent design for emission reduction) (2002-2005)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
- Loughborough University, UK
- Erlangen Universitaet, Germany
Related publications
- Mlkvik M., Stahle P., Schuchmann H. P., Gaukel V., Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Twin-fluid atomization of viscous liquids: the effect of atomizer construction on breakup process, spray stability and droplet size, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 77 (2015) 19-31
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Energy considerations in spraying process of a spill-return pressure-swirl atomizer, Applied Energy 132 (2014) 485-495 (ISSN 0306-2619)
- Durdina L., Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Investigation and comparison of spray characteristics of pressure-swirl atomizers for a small-sized aircraft turbine engine, International journal of heat and mass transfer 78 (2014) 892-900 (ISSN 0017-9310)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Energy conversion during effervescent atomization, Fuel 111 (2013) 1, 836-844 (ISSN 0016-2361)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Spatially and temporally resolved distributions of liquid in an effervescent spray, Atomization and Sprays 22 (2012) 7, 603-626 (ISSN 1044-5110)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Slama J., Otahal J., Development of an effervescent atomizer for industrial burners, Energy & Fuels 23 (2009), 6121-6130 (ISSN 0887-0624)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Unsteadiness in effervescent sprays: a new evaluation method and the influence of operational conditions, Atomization and Sprays 18 (2008) 1, 49-83 (ISSN 1044-5110)
Other outputs
- Jicha M., Jedelsky J., Slama J., Brno University of Technology: Twin-fluid effervescent atomizer. 298870, Czech national patent. Prague (2008)
- Jedelsky J., Jicha M., Slama J., Brno University of Technology, Tri-fluid atomizer. reg. n. CZ 296739 B6, patent. Prague (2006)
- In-house software for two-phase flow problems
Contact person
Jan Jedelsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
phone: +420 54114 3266 | e-mail: jedelsky@fmevutbr
Energy Institute, Department of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology
Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic
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